Inspiriert von Tapeten

Inspiriert von Tapeten

Feature 13595371 | © living4media / Narratives / Sanderson, Robert | 23 Bilder

Rose Cottage, the house bought by Sally and Rod, is larger than its name suggests. For a film director searching for a location in which to film Narnia, this large rambling stone property spread over three floors would doubtless be a hot contender. Surrounded by woodland and meadows, with beamed rooms and creaky, bumpy floorboards, open stone fireplaces and a cosy attic, they both decided it was the perfect character home for their four children and dog.Just before contracts were exchanged, an unexpected job offer with a well known local fabric company encouraged the couple to complete the deal. As Sally says, ‘I always loved Lewis & Wood designs and the offer of this new assignment was timely, exciting and irresistibly convenient. The head office was a few miles down the road.’For Sally her link with Lewis & Wood became the inspiration for the design of her interiors for their new home. ”I had always been unsure of using large scale wallpapers in this kind of property, ’ she admits. ‘But once I got past the fear barrier, these extra wide, very English wallpaper designs became my most effective transforming agent. They are look more like a hand painted mural than a standard paper.

Feature-Nr.: 13595371
Anzahl der Bilder: 23
Text: Text written upon request (700-1000 words, English)
Fotograf: © living4media / Narratives / Sanderson, Robert
Texter: Maggie Colvin
Stylist: Maggie Colvin
Genre: Interior
Verfügbare Rechte: Worldwide first rights available upon request, except in UK
Modell-Rechte: Derzeit liegt noch kein Release vor. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns vor Verwendung.
Eigentums-Rechte: vorhanden
Preise: Auf Anfrage. Gerne erstellen wir Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot.
Bestellung: Für Feindaten und Texte kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

Alle Bilder des Features (23)

Bildnr.: 13580428 Bildnr.: 13580429 Bildnr.: 13580430 Bildnr.: 13580431 Bildnr.: 13580432 Bildnr.: 13580433 Bildnr.: 13580434 Bildnr.: 13580435 Bildnr.: 13580436 Bildnr.: 13580437 Bildnr.: 13580438 Bildnr.: 13580439 Bildnr.: 13580440 Bildnr.: 13580441 Bildnr.: 13580442 Bildnr.: 13580443 Bildnr.: 13580444 Bildnr.: 13580445 Bildnr.: 13580446 Bildnr.: 13580447 Bildnr.: 13580448 Bildnr.: 13580449 Bildnr.: 13580450


Außen Blumen Exterior Farben Frau Frau (Menschlich) Garten Haus Holz Interior Jemand Kamin Klassisch Lifestyle Mustermix Tapeten Tapetenmuster Tiere Tischdeko Vintage Wandfarbe

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