Eklektische Annäherung

Eklektische Annäherung

Feature 13595340 | © living4media / Narratives / Sanderson, Robert | 29 Bilder

Despite the cool exposed concrete walls of the sitting room and dining room, and the mottled grey porcelain tiled flooring that continues throughout the ground floor, this London end-of terrace is clearly the home of someone who is unafraid of colour.Vintage and antiques dealer Tamara Broido uses her enviable stash of decorative pieces to transform her home from bland to bewitching: the combination of curvaceous modern Venetian studio glass, tactile European pottery and an array of tantalising textiles is both exciting and uplifting. Tamara says: ‘My husband Peter and I bought this house, back in 2004 before we had children, as it reminded us of the open-plan homes we grew up in in South Africa; we loved its light and simplicity that is perfect when you’re a colour addict like me, and from a practical perspective, the house never felt too big for just the two of us.’And with just a few improvements, chiefly the loft conversion in 2010 to create a master bedroom with en suite, it has grown to accommodate the couple’s two daughters as well as Tamara’s ever expanding collections.

Feature-Nr.: 13595340
Anzahl der Bilder: 29
Text: Text written upon request (700-1000 words, English)
Fotograf: © living4media / Narratives / Sanderson, Robert
Texter: Naomi Jones
Stylist: Naomi Jones
Genre: Interior
Verfügbare Rechte: Worldwide first rights available upon request, except in UK
Modell-Rechte: Derzeit liegt noch kein Release vor. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns vor Verwendung.
Eigentums-Rechte: vorhanden
Preise: Auf Anfrage. Gerne erstellen wir Ihnen ein individuelles Angebot.
Bestellung: Für Feindaten und Texte kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

Alle Bilder des Features (29)

Bildnr.: 13580451 Bildnr.: 13580452 Bildnr.: 13580453 Bildnr.: 13580454 Bildnr.: 13580455 Bildnr.: 13580456 Bildnr.: 13580457 Bildnr.: 13580458 Bildnr.: 13580459 Bildnr.: 13580460 Bildnr.: 13580461 Bildnr.: 13580462 Bildnr.: 13580463 Bildnr.: 13580464 Bildnr.: 13580465 Bildnr.: 13580466 Bildnr.: 13580467 Bildnr.: 13580468 Bildnr.: 13580469 Bildnr.: 13580470 Bildnr.: 13580471 Bildnr.: 13580472 Bildnr.: 13580473 Bildnr.: 13580474 Bildnr.: 13580475 Bildnr.: 13580476 Bildnr.: 13580477 Bildnr.: 13580478 Bildnr.: 13580479


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